Meet Evan!



Meet seven-year-old Evan. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and quadriplegia. The illnesses causes many limitations, including the inability to walk or speak. Evan also has one paralyzed arm while the other is slightly functional. Evan is able to be a vibrant child with the support of very special individuals.

Evan’s primary care givers are his grandparents–he knows them as Grandma and Pap. They are inseparable. Grandma and Evan watch episodes of The Voice, and they pretend to sing along with the contestants. Evan is incapable of making a sound, but Grandma smiles as though he has the voice of an angel. He also watches baseball with his Pap–grandson and grandad sit side by side and they are a home team. The 3 also visit the park where they  play on the swings. The family gets through their hardships by making life grand.

  Evan needs a specialized seating system that will give him more opportunities to participate in family activities. Please be a sponsor for Evan!



Look t the excitement on Evan’s face. There are few things as rewarding as a child’s smile. Evan now has a safe and comfortable alternative to sitting in his wheelchair. Before his options were to sit in his wheelchair or lie on the bed or floor. With this specialized chair Evan can join family activities or can be independent in a safe way.