Meet Alexandria!
Meet two-year-old Alexandria. This sweet girl endured much in her young life. She was diagnosed with a genetic mutation of the brain. She needed a g-tube inserted 12 days after being born. A few months later she had surgery to relieve pressure on the brain. She is currently blind, nonverbal, and unable to walk or stand. She does not interact with her environment. Alexandria, even in these harshest of conditions, provides something special.
People are in our lives for a reason. Finding that reason may take a lifetime, or it may be as instant as hearing a newborn’s cry. Alexandria is not the exception, but her purpose is exceptional. She teaches us that life is precious and fragile, and the more fragile life becomes, the more precious it is in our hands. Alexandria was placed in the loving hands of a mom and dad who dedicate their lives to this sweet girl. No greater compliment can be given than being given the gift to care for a disabled child.
Alexandria needed a tomato activity chair so she can sit with proper support and comfort while interacting with her family. With the help of a grant through Community Foundation of Brevard we were able to help Alexandria get the activity chair that she needs.