Wheelchairs 4 Kids is taking on our largest WHEELY FUN DAY in our 11-year history by taking 20 Wheel Kids to Colorado to participate in adaptive snow skiing with BOEC (Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center). Despite the 50 round trip tickets being gifted by Southwest Airlines and a generous discount from Beaver Run Resort, as well as BOEC, this trip will still cost us approximately $40,000. We raised over $7,500 at our Wheely Good Time event thanks to our wonderful supporters but we still have a way to go!


Southwest Airlines

Friendly KIA

Broadrick Family Foundation

Lutheran Legal League

Thank you for your contribution!

DonationsTracker.com - Live Donations Tracking for 2022 Wheely Fun Day - Snow Skiing in Colorado
DonationsTracker.com - Make a Donation to 2022 Wheely Fun Day - Snow Skiing in Colorado