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Bail: $3000.00


AKA – “King Gerry of NPR”


Crime: Unseemly Royal Behavior

Gerald Parish aka “King Gerry of NPR ” has been exiled from the throne! He refused to give up his crown in a peaceful manor which lead to a war of the Kings! King Gerry has had problems understanding he is no longer royalty; he even refuses to change his Facebook picture to that of a common person. He doesn’t want to go to the dungeon, help King Gerry!!!

Gerald Parrish is the owner of Parish Maintenance. A member of the New Port Richey Rotary, a Community Service Director. He’s also a Little League World Series umpire and was King Pithla 2016-17.

Please make a donation today to help Gerald get out of jail. Ask your friends to donate too. Who knows, maybe they can become an accomplice?! Every donation will make a difference in a special child’s life!