To donate to Steve’s bail click the donate UNDER the thermometer on the left!
Bail: $3,000.00
AKA – “Pops Farrell”
Crime: Possession and Distribution of Excessive Community SupportSteve Farrell aka “Pops Farrell” is the ring leader for the notorious Farrell Family Gang. His addiction to community service and support is well documented through the many events and projects he “encourages” his family and friends to support. In this family, back alley meetings are a good thing!! Steve is the owner of Farrell Roofing and Team Farrell. He has over 25 years experience in the roofing and home improvement industry. Farrell Roofing/Team Farrell prides themselves on dedication to the customers and quality installation of all products. Please make a donation today to help Steve get out of jail. Ask your friends to donate too. Who knows, maybe they can become an accomplice?! Every donation will make a difference in a special child’s life! |