Meet Colton!



Meet seven-year-old Colton. He was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. Currently, Colton is capable of doing most tasks as other kids his age. Unfortunately, his illness is progressive and he will lose abilities over time. There is already a sad change in his walking. Colton, however, remains positive despite his illness.


Colton enjoys numerous pastimes. He watches Lego cartoons and anything with superheroes. He likes any movie in the musical genre. Colton laughs and smiles when his mom creates funny voices while reading aloud Dr. Suess books. He is a hard-working student, too. His favorite subjects are math and reading. The best aspect of Colton is his sparkling personality. He is described as vibrant and full of life. He is as busy and as active as a tiny but mighty whirlwind. Colton’s silly antics are the stuff of legends among his family. His family are also amazing. Colton was adopted before his diagnosis. They know that Colton coming into their lives was meant to happen. Their love is reciprocal. Colton inspires them each moment, and they will always be there to hold him up in the days ahead. They are a family of heroes.


Colton needs a wheelchair with power assist. The equipment will help to prepare him when walking becomes too difficult. Please be his sponsor!