Meet Jessie!



Meet 13-year-old Jessie. The little boy was born nearly three months early and this changed his life forever. He immediately had severe complications. He suffered from  lung problems and a brain hemorrhage. He spent almost his first year in a hospital. Jessie’s obstacles culminated in a cerebral palsy diagnosis. Jessie currently has a hard time talking as a result of the illness. He also needs to use a gait trainer or wheelchair for mobility. This child has big trials for being so young, but he has an even bigger drive to be happy.


Jessie has fun similar to other kids his age. He enjoyed attending school. His favorite activities, before the covid pandemic, were  dancing, riding bikes, and simply being with his classmates. He is currently participating in online classes and cannot wait for life to return to normal. Jessie likes many other outdoor pastimes, including taking strolls and visiting the park. He relaxes at home by listening to sweet love songs. In fact, love really describes Jessie’s core characteristic. He shows affection by giving heart-swelling amounts of hugs and cuddles. Jessie does not discriminate between stranger or family. If you have a heart, then he has a heart for you.


Jessie needs an adaptive tricycle to help improve his health and ability to walk. The trike will also be another outlet for him to play outdoors. Please be his sponsor!