Meet Kevin!



Meet three-year-old Kevin. He was diagnosed with hypotonia and developmental delay, and both have created challenges for the young child. He is cognitively equivalent to an infant and nonverbal. He is able to walk with braces for support. Kevin is strong despite being weakened by his illness.


Kevin enjoys a few fun activities. He watches Baby Shark videos on his mom’s phone; he tries dancing to the music, too. Kevin likes taking leisurely strolls in the park, but his favorite thing is playing on the swings. Most importantly, he is determined to be independent. Kevin prefers to walk without help from his parents; he protests and gets upset when they want to give him support. Kevin, in his own way, understands the important of freedom. His mom and dad, in their won way, understand the importance of letting go.


Kevin needs a gait trainer to improve his leg strength, stamina, and balance. Please be his sponsor!