Meet Lazarus!

Lazarus is a precocious 2-year-old dynamo whose smile can light up a room. Lazarus loves listening to Nina of “The Good Night Show” on Sprout TV. He also likes to wiggle and giggle when his mom sings his favorite nursery rhymes. But the thing Lazarus loves most is jump in the spider cage at physical therapy.
Lazarus was diagnosed at birth with cerebral palsy. His muscles are very tight and he sometimes has difficulty swallowing. Lazarus’ parents are committed to helping Lazarus achieve more than anyone expects. He goes to physical therapy three times each week and to speech therapy twice a week.
Lazarus’ physical therapist thinks that he would make tremendous strides with a custom-sized gait trainer to strengthen his limbs and improve his posture. Wheelchairs 4 Kids is working hard to help Lazarus meet and surpass all of his goals.