Meet Marlo!



Meet seven-year-old Marlo. His life began with difficult circumstances. He was diagnosed at birth with spina bifida. He immediately had back surgery that kept him in the hospital for several more days. Marlo, as a result of his illness, needs to walk with braces. His ability to speak is also limited. He is happy, however, despite the tough obstacles.


Marlo has many common interests to other kids his age. His favorite movies are the Toy Story films. He enjoys reading, and his favorite books are from the Brown Bear series. Marlo likes watching football with his family. Marlo is also a dedicated student at school; his favorite subject is art. Marlo even likes making his neighborhood beautiful by using chalk to paint on sidewalks. The best creation, however, is Marlo himself. He is a priceless boy who will do anything to make people happy. He gives hugs and fist bumps to anybody in arm’s reach. If art resembles life, then Marlo is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.


Marlo needs a therapy tricycle to improve his leg strength, stamina, and balance. He can also cruise around the neighborhood on the trike. Please be his sponsor!