Meet Desi!
Desi is a 7 -year-old boy who has cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus and chronic lung disease. Desi is unable to walk, sit upright or support his head well. Furthermore, Desi uses feeding tube. Despite Desi’s multiple challenges, he is a happy kid and a true ray of sunshine for those around him.
Although Desi is a little boy with big challenges, he has fun too. Like most kids, he enjoys reading “Thomas the Tank Engine” books and listening to music, especially “Wheels on the Bus” and “You are My Sunshine.” Some days are more frustrating for Desi and he is soothed by the sound of Rachel Ray. Her recipe talk always brings Desi a smile of relief. Desi also enjoys watching sports with his Dad. Their favorite teams are the Miami Dolphins and the Miami Heat.
Desi needs a sitting system for his home. Presently, he does not have a safe and comfortable place to sit and eat with his family. A specialized sitting system with support will allow Desi to be comfy and happy while joining his family.