Meet Nevaeh!
Nevaeh is a fun-loving, outgoing and active seven-year-old who suffers from Bilateral PFFD. As a result of the Bilateral PFFD, Nevaeh’s bone formation and musculature structure have not developed properly and thus she must use a wheelchair to get around. However, Bilateral PFFD does not keep this lively girl from her favorite activities.
Nevaeh loves to sing and dance! Her favorite class in school is chorus. Her eyes twinkle and face glows when she is singing with her family and friends. If you play one of her favorite songs by Rihanna she moves like a dancing-queen. Nevaeh also likes to share her joy with others by cheerleading, and this makes everyone smile. When Nevaeh is not being active she likes to unwind by watching movies with her favorite Disney princesses.
Currently, Nevaeh is without a wheelchair and uses a stroller with help of her big sister to get around school. Nevaeh desperately needs a wheelchair to give her mobility and independence. Please help Neaveh by donating today!