Meet Zaide!



Meet seven-year-old Zaide. She was a healthy and happy girl until age five. She sadly suffered from a series of traumas. She contracted Hepatitis A which caused liver failure. Zaide went into a coma and every organ shut down for several minutes. She pulled through, but the ordeal caused her to have severe brain damage due to a lack of oxygen and blood flow. Zaide was once able to speak as any healthy child, but now she is completely nonverbal. She is also fully dependent on her family for everyday tasks. Zaide is a remarkably cheerful girl despite these tragic circumstances.


Zaide has fun in several simple ways. She watches the shows Princess Sofia and Minnie Mouse. Her favorite Disney film is Moana. She listens to reggaeton music. Zaide is also described as joyful. She always has a radiant smile. She has a magical way of cheering people up. Meet Zaide. She is the sunshine that brightens our cloudy day!


Zaide needs a bath chair to make bathing easier and safer. Please be her sponsor!