Meet Luis



Meet 10-year-old Luis. He was born prematurely at five months and spent two more in the hospital. He was diagnosed with Spasticity which caused increased muscle tone. He has several limitations, including needing assistance to stand. He cannot walk and crawls to be independent. Luis is strong and happy despite his trials.

Luis enjoys several fun activities. His favorite movie is Transformers, and he is a huge fan of the character Bumblebee. He watches soccer and always roots for team Argentina. Luis is quite an artist, too. He likes to paint beautiful pictures worthy of pinning on a fridge or on a wall for everyone to see! He also attends school and works hard to accomplish assignments and loves seeing his friends. Luis is a social butterfly. Most of all, he has a tender heart and is kind to everyone. This young boy has an appropriate name. Luis defines warrior, and he is certainly the champion of our hearts!

Luis needed a wheelchair to improve his independence. Thanks to a grant through GTE we were able to help Luis obtain the wheelchair that he needed!