Meet Maia!



Meet seven-year-old Maia. She was diagnosed with Agenesis of Corpus callosum, an illness that causes the center of the brain hemispheres to be disconnected. Maia is unable to walk and requires assistance with most daily tasks. She is nonverbal but understands everything. Maia is positive even with her harsh diagnosis. 


Maia enjoys a variety of activities. She watches Disney musicals for their inspiring songs, especially from the hit film Encanto. She watches dancing and sports to see people running around and having fun. Her other favorite pastimes are fingerpainting and playing with Pop-Its. Most of all, Maia is a charming and sweet girl. She is very determined to accomplish her goals. She is intelligent which shows through her eyes and body language. Maia is loving, too. She is full of hugs, cuddles, and kisses. And we are full of love for this precious girl. 


Maia needed an adaptive tricycle to improve her leg strength and overall health. She will also have a blast riding the trike outdoors. Thanks to a grant through Herbert Bearman, Wheelchairs 4 Kids was able to help Maia obtain the trike that she needed!