Meet 14-year-old Arielle. She was diagnosed with Spastic Quadriplegic. She has weakness in her arms and legs which affects her balance. Arielle has many challenges, but she remains happy and active.


Arielle has several interests. She is a huge fan of all things Cinderella Blue. She likes watching Full House and Home Alone when she’s not reading her favorite teen books. She is a bright girl who excels in science class. Arielle enjoys watching baseball with her dad and cheering on the Yankees. Most of all, she adores her dogs, Miko and Melo. Arielle is known to be a peaceful and shy girl, who enjoys spending her time sketching. Arielle, even though she is quiet and prefers to remain in her world, inspires everyone and makes our world a better place.


Arielle needs a wheelchair lift for her vehicle. This will allow her to transport her power wheelchair to and from doctor appointments, school, and home. Please be her sponsor!