Meet Eva!
Meet 8-year-old Eva! Eva was diagnosed with bilateral open-lip schizencephaly at birth, which caused a brain defect. When she was 3 years-old she started having absence seizures. Just last year, she was also diagnosed with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. She is non-verbal, but has good control of her left hand, and is able to use a communication device to share how she is feeling. Eva is wheelchair bound and dependent on others for most daily activities.
Despite Eva’s tribulations, she remains a strong and sassy little girl! She never gives up and is determined to succeed! Eva is a fan YouTube and likes to watch Minecraft videos. She also enjoys the popular Disney film, Frozen, as well as Universal’s Sing movies. Eva is a girly girl and loves all things pink! She also likes exploring with makeup and nail polish! Sensory toys such as slime, Kinetic sand, and squishies are among her favorite items! Much like Frozen’s Anna, Eva can warm even the coldest heart!
Eva requires a medical car seat. She has outgrown her booster seat, and she is not receiving the proper head and trunk support she needs while being transported. Please be her sponsor!