Meet 4-year-old Luke. He was diagnosed with Allen Herndon Dudley Syndrome. He does not have any independent mobility, but he is able to roll over. Luke has numerous other challenges, but nothing prevents him from being joyful.


Luke has many interests. He loves watching Blue’s Clues, and The Big Comfy Couch but his favorite show is Curious George. He likes listening to Rap music. Luke likes interactive books; he enjoys the lights and sounds. Luke likes being active, he loves going to his grandparents’ house where they have a special wagon, they use to take him to the park, his second favorite place to go. When it comes to food Luke loves his Cheetos Puffs! Luke loves his cat, Piper she waits for him to get home from school so she can sit on his lap. Luke may not have much to say, but he will easily move his way into our hearts with his radiant smile!


Thanks to the Sam J. Frankino Foundation Luke has received his much-needed gait trainer. This will help him ambulate while also granting him functional mobility, posture control, and motor coordination.