Meet Violet!



Meet 8-year-old Violet! Violet is a twin and mom experienced several labor complications, including a pre-mature birth at only 27 weeks. Violet experienced a grade 4 brain bleed and had to spend several weeks in the NICU. She was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy and had to have surgery on her hips in 2023. She lacks core strength and has poor endurance.


Despite Violet’s challenges, she remains a compassionate and creative little girl! She loves to draw and paint and be in the water. She enjoys family vacations to the mountains of North Carolina as well as trips to the aquarium. Gabby’s Dollhouse and Paw Patrol are among her favorite TV shows. Violet is a fighter- she has endured so much, yet she never gives up!


Violet is in need of a manual wheelchair with tilt-in-space. She is unable to sit up on her own, and this chair will help aid in her mobility and accessibility. Please be her sponsor!