Steve “The Ribbler” Ribble - Live Donations Tracking for 2021 Steve Ribble - Make a Donation to 2021 Steve Ribble

List of Donors



Bail: $3,000.00

AKA – “The Ribbler”

Crime: Abandonment

Steve Ribble aka “The Ribbler” has been charged with abandonment. “Catch me if you can” is this guy’s motto!  He is squirrely and hard to pin down for any length of time.  As a financial guru, he makes sure that all his clients withhold as much as possible from his nemesis, the IRS!  During tax season, he hunkers down in an undisclosed location in Tampa working his magic with the numbers.  But come April 15th (or May 15th in this year’s case) – he is busy making his getaway!  

Steve dons his tight, leather Super Hero looking motorcycle duds and his Ant Man helmet and heads for Moonshine Country where he can be found imbibing every free sample he can get his hands on.  The flavor is of no matter – Jalapeno – bring it, Salted Caramel, delish! 

Audits?  He ain’t afraid of no audits!  He’ll just charm and bribe his way out of it with a nutty, macadamia, white chocolate shot of smooth rot gut!

Please make a donation today to help Steve get out of jail. Ask your friends to donate too. Who knows, maybe they can become an accomplice?! Every donation will make a difference in a special child’s life!