Meet Addison!
Meet Addison, this adorable little girl was diagnosed with spina bifida at 20 weeks in utero. Mom best describes her as a good natured, happy little girl. Addison is unable to stand on her own, she’s learning to pull to stand and needs a special stander to help support and train her body to be in an upright position as well as strengthening her leg muscles. This will hopefully help her on the road to walking.
Addison is a fun girl. She listens to music and loves watching animal related movies like Finding Nemo. Her all-time favorite activity is swimming, she loves to splash around!
Addison needs a special stander that will help her be upright in a proper position while providing all the necessary support for her frail body. Being in a stander help promote leg and core muscle strength as well as improve digestion. Most importantly, for Addison, she will be able to see the world from an upright position.
Addison received her stander thanks to our generous sponsors. Mom told us she loves using the stander and gets all excited every time she gets a turn! With continuous use of the stander Addison’s legs will gain strength. Her body will benefit in many ways; circulation, breathing, blood flow, digestions, so many things we don’t even think of!
Thank you to all our sponsors for your continued support and generosity!