Aleia Discovers New Way of Having Fun!
Wheelchairs 4 Kids gets an adaptive tricycle for Aleia with the help of Access Healthcare
June 2014-Aleia is a cheerful three-year-old girl who was born a micropreemie and has cerebral palsy. As a result, Aleia cannot walk, has cortical visual impairment, and is only able to sit with assistance. Aleia is not deterred by her problems and she moves around her home by combat crawling. The brave girl really wants to express herself through speech, but she uses a trach and talking is almost impossible. Nevertheless, Aleia is not discouraged, and continues to try speaking despite her challenges. Aleia’s family loves to hear her joyful laughter.
Aleia really gets excited when she plays peek-a-boo. Aleia’s laughter is infectious and everyone wants to play with the little sweetie! Aleia’s family also reads to her while she flips the pages. Some of her favorite books include, “Goodnight Moon” and “Pete the Cat,” but her favorite kind of books are audio books or those with tactile pages. She loves when she can touch the pages and experience the story through different textures. Aleia also loves music and her favorite song is “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys. The song title is analogous to Aleia’s courageous resolve and she is a source of inspiration for everyone.
Aleia needed an adaptive tricycle. She used one during therapy sessions and loved the fun exercise! Now that she has an adaptive tricycle of her own Aleia is able to increase her muscle strength, coordination and mobility at home. Now Aleia is having fun and getting therapy at the same time! Thanks to Access Healthcare for sponsoring Aleia’s tricycle.