Meet Benjamin!
Meet 11-year-old Benjamin. His parents were concerned when he began having seizures at 11 months old. Doctors eventually diagnosed the child with cerebral palsy. He is cognitively underdeveloped and nonverbal. Benjamin has poor eyesight, too. He needs assistance with everyday tasks. Benjamin also uses a wheelchair to move around his house. These limitations do not limit the boy’s happiness. Or his heart.
Benjamin is all kinds of wonderful. Benjamin pretends to be a formula 1 racecar driver when mom speedily pushes him in the wheelchair. He enjoys going to school and being social. In fact, all of the children gravitate towards Benjamin like he was the bright star that pulls them in. He is also very loving. He shows affection by caressing his nurse’s hand. Benjamin’s mom describes him best.
“He wakes up with a smile ready to start all over again. when he smiles, it’s pure innocence. He does not know any different, it’s beautiful. When you get to know him and the difference, he makes in your life….it’s beautiful.”
Benjamin needs a customized seat for his wheelchair. He suffers from scoliosis and a dislocated hip. The fitted seating system will help him to be more comfortable.
Benjamin received custom made seating for his wheelchair. Now, he is able to sit comfortably ad painlessly in his wheelchair. His previos seating options were so bad doctors had recommended he not use his wheelchair at all. They wanted him to remain in bed all day. With the new seating options Benjamin has regained the freedom to go anywhere he wants to in his wheelchair!