Danny’s Story!
Danny had a positioning chair in his home but had outgrown it making it uncomfortable and unsafe for him. Wheelchairs 4 Kids got him a new Rifton Activity Chair. This specialized device is helping him sit with more comfort and in a correct posture. The special chair also helps mom to move him about the house with ease.
13 year-old Danny was diagnosed with multiple illnesses, including S.C.A.D. deficiency which is a rare recessive genetic disorder along with seizure disorder and most recently scoliosis. His illness causes severe problems including progressive muscle weakness, hypotonia, and developmental delays.
He has more challenges than most boys his age. He is unable to support his head or sit upright without assistance. Danny also cannot walk or vocally communicate. Although Danny enjoys mashed potatoes, he is required to use a g-tube for most of his nutritional needs.
Danny is not alone with his disability his closest playmate and 4 year-old sister also struggles with S.C.A.D deficiency. The two spend time together watching Spongebob and Suite Life of Zac and Cody or sometimes even visiting Downtown Disney. The two loving siblings are best friends forever!