Jayci’s Wheelchair Gets Tie Downs for Transport!
May 2014-Jayci’s family received tie-downs so that her wheelchair could be transported in their van! Thank you Custom Mobility for your help and services in making this possible!
Jayci is a sweet eight-year-old girl who has schizencephaly, cerebral palsy and seizures. As a result, Jayci has many difficult challenges and extremely limited mobility. She cannot walk, sit upright or hold her head up independently. Nevertheless, Jayci has a bright spirit and enjoys the sounds of soft and soothing music. Additionally, Jayci spends most of her time at home due to her health but at times she needs to go to doctors’ appointments and enjoys outings when her health permits.
Jayci uses a wheelchair for mobility and transportation. She needed tie-downs for her wheelchair so that it could be safely secured to the family van. Jayci’s family did not have a method to transport Jayci in her wheelchair. Tie-down brackets now allow Jayci’s family to safely transport her wheelchair in their van and give Jayci the opportunity to go on more outings.