Kailyn receives a new adapative stroller!
September 2013: Kailyn receives an adpative stroller from Wheelchairs 4 Kids!
Meet Kailyn (a.k.a. Kaylee) an adorable three-year-old girl diagnosed with Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. Kaylee is fed via a g-tube, is non-verbal and unable to walk. Kaylee is on anti-seizure medication that inhibits her body’s capacity to regulate temperature.
Kailyn needed a new stroller system that includes a sunshade. Now, Kailyn has a specialized stroller that will help to keep her cool while being outside in the fresh air. The stroller will make life a little easier when running errands and going to appointments. More importantly, Kailyn will be able to join her family on more outings! We love the awesome purple color too!
Despite the many obstacles Kaylee and her family face every day, they remain optimistic and strive to make each shared moment special. Kaylee loves to cuddle with Bella, her dog and constant companion. Another favorite activity is listening to music; especially when someone picks her up to dance! This little cuddlebug’s smile will melt your heart. Meeting Kaylee illustrates an aspect of life that is shown clearly with disabled children. They may lose abilities that many of us take for granted, but children like Kailyn never lack the ability to love.