Isavella’s Success Story!
Meet 12-year-old Isavella. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth, and has right-sided impairment due to having a stroke in utero. Isavella relies heavily on her mom, Aleida, for mobility and assistance with activities of daily living. Isavella, however, requires little assistance to be happy.
Isavella is a fighter who has overcome so much and continues to make progress with a positive attitude and outlook on life. She loves Dora the Explorer, painting, and math. She adores her dog, Nina.
Isavella needs a therapy tricycle that will allow her to become more independent, but will also allow her to increase her strength in her lower extremities. All of her friends in the neighborhood ride their bikes, and she just wants to do more than look out the window at them having fun. The therapy tricycle would not only help her physically, but would also allow for more socialization and independence.
Isavella has received her trike and can really get to work on improving her lower extremity strength and coordination. Also, she can ride along with her friends, instead of just watching them all out the window.