Jayce’s Success Story
Jayce is a 6-year-old boy diagnosed with Joubert syndrome, which is a neurogenetic disorder characterized by hypotonia, developmental disability, abnormal breathing pattern, abnormal eye movements, and brain malformation. He is unable to walk independently, is nonverbal, and has poor trunk control. Despite his challenges, he is always smiling and laughing, and when mom is around, he never takes his eyes off of her.
Jayce’s teacher says he loves to sing (hum) and has a blast clapping his hands to the beat of the music. He also loves cartoons, and his favorite food is yogurt. He enjoys mom swinging him at the park, and he also likes working in therapy with a gait trainer to try to learn to walk. His therapist says that he would benefit greatly from a therapy trike, which will allow him to build strength in his lower extremities, in the hopes that he may walk independently one day.
Jayce has received his trike and is excited every day to get outside and get more therapy. Go, Jayce, Go!