Meet Michael!
Meet 13-year-old Michael. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy with spastic quaudraparesis along with numerous other diagnosis. Unable to walk on his own, he is non-verbal and must feed from a J-tube for nutrition. He suffers from hip dislocations and has undergone spinal surgery.
Despite the challenges he faces on a daily basis, Michael is an energetic, happy, social teenage boy. Known for his big beautiful smile, he enjoys spending time with his family and using an adaptive tricycle.
Michael and his family need your help. Their current ramp is small, slippery and overall unsafe to use. Please help them get a new ramp. It will improve Michael’s safety and the quality of life for both him and his family.
Michael and his family now have a safe and easy way to access their house. “My life has changed!” said his mother after the ramp was finished. We love seeing family photos like this one where everyone has a smile on their face!