Ryan Stays Cool With a New Shade
Wheelchairs 4 Kids gives Ryan a sun shade and tray
Ryan is a cuddly and happy 11- year-old boy with cerebral palsy. He struggles with many obstacles that would overwhelm the strongest adult, but he overcomes these challenges and simply enjoys being a kid. Ryan’s favorite television series is the wacky and chivalrous adventures of Mike the Knight. He also enjoys listening to a variety of music, including classical. Male bonding is an important activity when Ryan and his brothers gather to watch a riveting movie or the greatest of all American sports, baseball. Ryan cheers enthusiastically for his favorite team the San Francisco Giants.
Family is important to all of us, but this is especially true for Ryan. He was known as a miracle baby. Ryan fell into a pool and almost drowned when he was two years old. His father performed CPR. Ryan’s family refused to let the little boy leave their loving circle. They fought for his life with fierce resolve, and they won. Ryan was the miracle baby. They are his miracle family.
Wheelchairs 4 Kids delivered a sun shade for Ryan’s stroller. His body cannot regulate temperatures and the shade will help to protect him from the sun. He also was given a tray for eating and other activities. His mom was excited now that Ryan can really stay cool! She said the new equipment was “Great!”