Selina Gets a New Wheelchair thanks to Wheelchairs 4 Kids and the
Jacksonville Jaycees
Selina is a beautiful 3-year-old girl with inquisitive eyes! She is curious about everything around her. She loves watching cartoons and listening to music.
Selina has congenital hypotonia and generalized convulsive epilepsy. She has very low muscle tone and cannot stand, walk, or sit upright on her own. She attends physical therapy sessions several times each week.
Selina had outgrown her stroller and desperately needed a wheelchair that would give her the back support she needs.
Madeline Robinson, the executive director of Wheelchairs 4 Kids, reached out to the Jacksonville Jaycees, a leadership training organization for 21 to 40 year olds that incorporates networking, business training, and individual growth through community involvement. “The Jaycees played a big part in my life. I learned how to write a business plan, organize events, and how to get the word out. Wheelchairs 4 Kids would not exist without my Jaycee training.”
The Jaycees immediately got to work planning a car, truck and motorcycle show to raise money for Selina’s chair. The event took place on February 26th, a cold and rainy day; the same day that the Daytona 500 was supposed to take place. Daytona didn’t get their motors running, but the Jacksonville Jaycees did! Despite the weather, the cars, spectators, and media showed up. They exceeded their goal by 200%! The excess funds will be used to provide equipment for even more children.
“It was an amazing day! First time project chairman, Ernie Perez, did an amazing job. He had all of the bases covered and it paid off. Thanks to all of the Jaycees”, said Robinson, “Selina will be so happy in her new chair”. For more information on how your organization can help, call Wheelchairs 4 Kids at (727) 946-0963.