Meet Aneziah!
Meet 11-year-old Aneziah, better known by her family and friends as Nezzi. Nezzi was diagnosed right before her 1st birthday with Angelman Syndrome. She is 100% dependent on others for walking support. She has low trunk tone, poor balance, and low bone density, as her bones age quicker than most others her age.
Nezzi remains a happy girl despite her challenges. She enjoys watching the Larvae cartoon series, and she likes the silly noises and sound effects they make. She loves music of all types, especially anything with a good beat or calm piano orchestrations. Nezzi’s favorite place to visit is the aquarium and her local playground. She likes to people watch and enjoys being outdoors- whether it’s going on a hike with her family or a trip to the botanical gardens. Most importantly, Nezzi is a determined and strong girl- when she wants something she will do anything in her will to accomplish what she needs!
Aneziah is in need of a gait trainer. She currently uses one at school but is unable to take it home. The gait trainer will help her stand and walk with assistance and will benefit her mobility and independence. Please be her sponsor!