Meet Anjelina!



Meet 19-year-old Anjelina. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. She has muscle weakness in her legs and can only walk short distances. She also walks on the tips of her toes. She is a joyful girl despite these and other trials.


Anjelina enjoys a variety of activities. She watches the shows The Walking Dead and Adventure Time. She also enjoys the Trolls movies. She likes to watch dodgeball and volleyball. Anjelina has a feisty side that shows when she has fun annoying her brother. She attends school and cannot wait to see her classmates and friends. This young girl is a sweetheart, too. She always has a smile that can light up a room. She gives hugs to everybody. Anjelina, also known as Angel by her friends and family, truly is an angel that inspires us all!


Anjelina needs a therapy bicycle to improve her leg strength and overall fitness while providing her with a fun way to exercise. Please be her sponsor!