Meet Carlos!



Meet 17-year-old Carlos. He was diagnosed with Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome, a condition that causes numerous challenges. His trials include hypotonia and delayed motor skills. He can walk with some assistance. He also scoots on the floor to be more independent. Carlos has many other limitations, but he remains happy.


Carlos has several interests. He enjoys story time–his favorite book is “Little Red Riding Hood.” Carlos attends school—his favorite parts of the day are bus rides and helping his teacher count. Carlos also relaxes at home by lounging in the bathtub–he sometimes crawls towards the tub and waits for somebody to turn on the warm water. Most of all, he is super affectionate. He shows love by blowing kisses, gently caressing a person’s arm, or giving soft head bumps. Carlos laughs as much as he smiles, which means always! Meet Carlos, who cannot walk without help, but he easily moves into our hearts.


Carlos needs a bath lift to transfer him safely in and out of a bathtub. Please be his sponsor!  



Carlos received a special bath lift. He is now able to bathe is a safe manner while avoiding a slippery wet mess trying to climb out of the bathtub! Rud a dub dub, Carlos is in the tub!!