Haley’s Success Story!
Wheelchairs 4 Kids recently teamed up with T & T Technology and Harmar to provide a vertical wheelchair lift for Haley, a 14-year-old girl struggling with Pompe disease, a frequently fatal disease that progressively damages muscle and nerve cells throughout the body. Haley uses a wheelchair, but it was impossible for her to get in and out of her home independently. Because of the logistics, a ramp could not be installed. She desperately needed a vertical wheelchair lift, but this piece of equipment was quite expensive.
Mom sought help from Wheelchairs 4 Kids, and Wheelchairs 4 Kids was able to work with Harmar in getting a discount, and the lift was paid for by a generous grant from The Batchelor Foundation. The only thing left was finding a regional installer to get the vertical lift installed at her home.
On February 5th, 2020, Ronnie Maynard of T & T Technology, based in Raleigh, NC, generously donated his time and labor to install the Harmar vertical lift for Haley. Hayley’s mother, Krystal expressed her gratitude, saying, “We are so thankful because we wouldn’t have been able to this lift without help from Wheelchairs 4 Kids, and the guys from T & T Technologies were amazing. They even customized it for Haley, providing a wrap for it with her name. We couldn’t have asked for a better experience. Haley is thrilled to be able to enter and leave the home independently, which is a really big deal to her.” Way to go, Haley!!!