Meet Juan!



Meet 15-year-old Juan, who was diagnosed with spina bifida. Juan, as a result of his condition, is cognitively challenged and nonverbal. He is also unable to walk or stand. Juan can scoot on the floor, but he finds this to be stressful. Juan has a difficult time because of his disability, but he manages as much as possible. 

Juan enjoys simple pleasures. He watches television, but the actual show does not matter; instead, he is mesmerized by the movements and flashing colors. He attends school and his favorite subject is music. He also has a very organized mind and likes putting objects in their right place. Juan’s disability left his life into disorder, but he tries  to put the challenges into their proper place: behind him. 

Juan desperately needs the help of a generous donor. He has an old wheelchair that is too small, painful, and throws off his posture. The chair is also nearly broken down after years of wear and tear. He was qualified for Medicaid and ordered a new wheelchair. Juan’s dad, however, changed jobs, and Medicaid refused to pay for the chair, which remains in a warehouse waiting to be picked up. Meanwhile, Juan sits uncomfortably and unsafely in his old chair. Please help Juan by being his sponsor!