Meet Chaya!




Meet 3-year-old Chaya! Chaya was born with cerebral vision impairment. Her brain is unable to send signals to her eyes and she has trouble seeing things such as moving objects and faces. She is able to recognize bright colors such as orange and yellow. Chaya is also non-verbal and requires assistance most activities.

Chaya is described as a cute and smiley little girl. She enjoys classic children’s stories and songs, such as Old McDonald and the Wheels on the Bus. Chaya’s favorite thing is to “go bye-bye,” meaning she loves to be out and about enjoying the fresh air. Chaya’s name means “life, liveliness and vitality,” and despite Chaya’s challenges she represents the strength of her namesake.

Chaya is in need of an activity chair for safe feedings and daily activities. This chair will also provide versatile and adaptable seating. Please be her sponsor!