Meet Evan!
Meet six-year-old Evan. Sadly, he had a very traumatic birth and was in intensive care for several weeks. Evan was eventually diagnosed with cerebral palsy. His biggest challenge is mobility. Evan uses a stander and a gait trainer, although the latter equipment is difficult with his low stamina. This limitation, however, does not deter Evan from having a fun childhood.
Evan has numerous hobbies and pastimes. He follows the children’s tv series Daniel the Tiger. He listens to kid’s songs, and one of his favorites is “I’m Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee!” He loves bedtime when he gets to read the books, “Give a Mouse a Cookie,” and “Give a Moose a Muffin.” In fact, Evan attends kindergarten and his best subject is reading. He also enjoys playing basketball with his brother. He definitely does not give in to his challenges. Evan is appropriately named. In the Celtic culture, as with this brave boy, Evan defines a young fighter. In any part of the world, our Evan exemplifies inspiration.
Evan needs an EZ lock system to safely secure his wheelchair in the family van. Please keep him safe and comfortable and be his sponsor!