Meet Griffin!
Meet 11 year-old Griffin, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. He cannot walk, and his family assists him with transfers. Griffin uses a manual wheelchair, but maneuvering around is getting more tiring for him. An aspect of Griffin which is not slowing down is his intelligence.
Griffin is very curious about many things in the world. He is an avid book reader. He finishes a book and immediately finds another to read. His favorite subject in school is science. Griffin particularly is fascinated with technology and robotics. This young boy is about to attend a larger school where he will continue his education. Griffin, however, is our teacher for an important life lesson. He seeks excellence despite having limitations. Surely we can follow his example.
Griffin is requesting a carrier for the family vehicle for his new motorized wheelchair. The equipment is greatly needed and will allow him to attend school and do other activities. Please be a sponsor for Griffin!