Meet Isaac. He is a 16 year-old boy who is sadly cognitively equivalent to a child of age three. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Developmental Delay, and Hydrocephalus. He is unable to walk, crawl, or speak. He uses a variety of sounds to communicate his emotions. He also cannot sit upright without support. He has an amazing family to care for him, which has helped improve his quality of life.
Isaac was in a foster home since his birth. He met his current parents when he was 17 months old, and they immediately fell in love with him. They were finally able to adopt him when he was 2 years old. They meet his needs with an uncommon grace and endless compassion. In turn, Isaac is their source of inspiration. His mom and dad see him as a blessing and say that Isaac meets their needs more than they meet his, because he made their house a home, full of wonderful child-noises and joy.
Isaac requires a ramp for his house. Currently, his home has several steps which make pushing his wheelchair difficult and unsafe. His father labors to lift Isaac’s wheelchair up and down the steps to take him to appointments and church. This is not only unsafe for Isaac, but also for his father. A ramp will ensure that he can get to and from appointments and church safely. Leaving the house to attend church services is especially important for Isaac and his family, because this is something Isaac loves to do. Please help them and be a sponsor!