Meet Jessica!
Meet 17 year-old Jessica, who was born with lumbo-sacral agenesis. Jessica is also partially paralyzed and she has endured bilateral leg amputations. Describing her struggles could continue further, but her achievements are more remarkable.
She is a Paralympics athlete of unparalleled determination and success. Jessica competes in a variety of wheelchair track events and she also participates in swimming competitions. This young lady also is actively inspiring and helping other people with similar challenges. Jessica is the founder of iSACRA, the international Sacral Agenesis/Caudal Regression Association. This charity provides worldwide support and information for individuals with the disease and their families. Jessica’s ambition does not end with her foundation. The highly intelligent girl also plans to advance herself further by going to college. Jessica’s achievements and goals are astonishing. Clearly, she is not defined by her disability.
Jessica is requesting a Firefly Electric Hand-Cycle. The adaptive equipment will give her needed independence and help her as she goes away from home to college. Please be a sponsor for awe inspiring Jessica!