Meet Keith!
Meet the adorable, 9 year-old Keith. He was diagnosed with Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 21 which is a genetic chromosomal disorder. Keith is also dependent on a tracheostomy to help him breathe as well as oxygen. He has many hard hurdles to overcome each day. Keith, despite his frustrating circumstances, is a very affectionate little boy.
Keith is quite amused by blowing raspberries and making everyone laugh, including himself! He also enjoys lounging around in an easy-chair with his dad or brother. They sit together on Sunday’s and have male bonding time watching tough and tumble football. Most of all, Keith is eager to reach out and snatch a hug from family and friends. Keith’s cuteness has a special way of taking someone’s heart, especially when he gives raspberries and hugs!
Keith and his family need a wheelchair carrier for the back of their vehicle. The carrier will make it easier to transport the wheelchair and oxygen tank and batteries that are necessary and will also make it safer for Keith’s family. Please be a sponsor for Keith, and send him a hug or two!