Meet Nikolas!



Meet 15-year-old Nikolas. He was diagnosed with numerous illnesses, including cerebral palsy and epilepsy. These conditions cause his life to be challenging. Nikolas is nonverbal. He can only eat using a g-tube. Nikolas is also unable to walk, although he exercises by using a gait trainer. This young boy remains resilient even with his limitations.


 Nikolas has interests that are peaceful and exciting. He enjoys relaxing at the beach and watching the waves come to shore. The sound of the crashing water soothes Nikolas. He has fun visiting parks and playing on the swings. His favorite stimulating activities include getting on rides at Disney World or exercising on his tricycle at home. Nikolas is also homeschooled, and he loves learning about science and history. Nikolas, however, is our teacher. We learn from him how to be resilient and positive during adversity.


Nikolas needs a recliner seating system that will provide better support while he sits in his family’s reclining chair. He will also be more comfortable when spending time with his family. Please be his sponsor!