Meet Samantha!


Meet 15-year-old Samantha. She was not thriving or meeting milestones as a baby. She underwent numerous amounts of testing. She was finally diagnosed at 15 months old with Angelman’s Syndrome, a rare developmental disorder found in children. Samantha, as a result, uses a walker for mobility. Samantha is mostly nonverbal, although she communicates through laughter and other expressions. She is a positive girl despite this illness.

Samantha Has simple ways of being distracted from her obstacles. She listens to a variety of upbeat and fun music. She especially likes musicals, and her favorite is Descendants. Samantha likes being active as much as she enjoys relaxing. She prefers to spend time outdoors when the weather is as inviting as a welcome sign. During these days, she likes swimming where being nearly weightless makes her feel strong and energetic. Most importantly, Samantha is a radiant ray of sunshine. She laughs and squeals at anything funny. Samantha spreads so much joy that people visit her to cheer up when they are having a bad day. Samantha never dwells on her illness. Instead, she focuses on making the world a better place. One person, and one smile, at a time.

Samantha needs an adaptive tricycle to improve her leg strength, stamina, and balance. She will also have fun riding the trike outside while getting the important exercise. Please be her sponsor!