Meet Michael!



Meet six-year-old Michael. He seemed to be born a healthy baby. Sadly, he was exhibiting tremors in his legs at four months old. He was taken to the emergency room and eventually diagnosed with a rare genetic mutation that is progressive. He has many obstacles resulting from the condition. Michael is cognitively underdeveloped and nonverbal. His only independent mobility is moving around on the floor. Michael, despite his tragic beginning, has defeated all odds.


Michael does not need much to make him happy. He watches his favorite film Monsters, Inc. He also enjoys the tv show Wallace and Gromit. Michael likes physical activities, too. He feels good rolling around on exercise balls. Michael gets excited shaking balloons, even when they are deflated. He has a pet beagle-terrier mix named Cappy—these two are inseparable best friends. Most of all, Michael simply wants to be loved. He lives for getting hugs and receiving affection. His family is eager to provide. Seeing Michael’s sweet smile is the perfect invitation for a hug. He is nothing short of a miracle. Doctors said that Michael would not live passed his third birthday—he is now six. He overcame those odds and continues inspiring us all. Meet Michael. He will melt anyone’s heart.


Michael needs a Hi-Lo activity chair so he can be comfortable while sitting with his family, whether it is at the kitchen table or at the coffee table in the living room. He also outgrew his previous baby high chair and it does not provide proper support. Please be his sponsor!