Say Hi to Sam!
Say Hi to 10 year old Samuel, who is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, Hypotonia, Developmental Coordination Disorder and 12p12.1 Chromosome Depletion. These obstacles also cause muscle spasms, making ambulation difficult for Sam, who frequently falls when mobile.
Sam has interests as any 10 year old boy would. He is all about Football and is a Green Bay Packers fan. He collects the cards and has many bobble heads of his favorite team. When relaxing, Sam often listens to contemporary Christian music or watches his favorite show Garfield. Mom describes him as inspirational, loving, and a great big brother!
Sam needs a foldable power wheelchair that can be transported in his mom’s car. The family often takes walks together and Sam was being carried in a back pack. This chair will allow independence and safety for him. Won’t you sponsor this boy soon?