Meet Zane!



Meet 11-year-old Zane. This boy seemed to follow typical milestones, until he began doing the Govers maneuver, a method children use to push themselves up when they are having trouble with mobility. He was diagnosed in 2018 with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Zane is confined to a wheelchair because of his illness. He also needs help transferring to and from his chair. These limitations do not stop him from having fun.


Zane enjoys a variety of activities.  He and his mom watch the tv show Supernatural. Zane’s favorite movie is The Martian—he has a big interest in topics relating to outer space. He loves playing video games, too. Zane also attends school and he cannot wait for music class. Someday he hopes to play an instrument and join a band. Zane shows a sweet side with his pet pit mix named Patchouli—he gives her a kiss first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed. Zane frequently says to his family, “I love you.” He says this without needing any reason other than to show his affection. The young boy had a remarkable quality of honesty. He even tells when he has done something wrong. The name Zane has many definitions around the world. One of them is appropriate. Zane defines  a gift from God.


Zane needs several small ramps for his house. The home has many single steps, and this is inaccessible with his wheelchair. Please be his sponsor so he can get around the house freely!