Meet Mila!



Meet six-year-old Mila. She was born with spinal muscular atrophy type 2. She cannot walk or transfer herself. Mila uses a school-loaned wheelchair to be independent. Mila has many other limitations, but she is still a high-spirited and sweet girl.


Mila has several interests. She watches the YouTube show, A is for Adaly. Mila loves to read all types of books. She attends school and her favorite subjects are math and arts and crafts. She also has fun performing science experiments. Mila, most of all, LOVES to eat! Her father is Italian, and he is her own personal chef. She requests any Italian dish, and he prepares it right away. Lucky girl! Mila is worth it and more. She makes everyone laugh with her silly sense of humor.         She remembers details about people and will put a lot of thought into making them happy.  Mila is joyful from morning to night–nothing gets her down. Meet Mila. She is truly Marvelous. Inspiring. Loving. Awesome!  


Mila needs a manual wheelchair to fit her properly and give her independence. Her current chair is old and does not provide the proper support. Please be her sponsor!