Meet Mordechai!
Meet six-year-old Mordechai. This brave boy had a difficult beginning. He suffered after his birth from cardiac arrest and seizures, which also caused cerebral palsy. He cannot walk without assistance and uses a wheelchair for greater distances. Mordechai has a positive spirit despite his tough start.
Mordechai has many fun interests. He watches Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood and learns his numbers and letters through educational shows. He enjoys playing learning games. Mordechai attends school and his favorite topic is math! Mordechai also enjoys going outside and swimming, bike riding, or playing on swings and slides. He also works hard exercising at his nearby therapy center. Mordechai, most of all, has a beautiful heart. He is very loving. He is charming and his radiant smile wins everybody over. This courageous boy is aptly named. Mordechai defines being a warrior.
Mordechai received a therapy bicycle to improve his leg strength and balance. He can now enjoy having a wonderful time riding the bike outside. Special thanks to Athletes Helping Athletes who helped sponsor Mordechai’s new bike! He is one happy boy!!