Meet German!
Meet 10-year-old German. He was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. His life began as normal as any other boy. Unfortunately, he stopped walking at the age of five. He eventually lost his arm and leg strength. German is very positive despite his ongoing hardships.
German is best described as fun. He attends school, but his favorite part is socializing with his friends during recess. He likes being outdoors and being with his family at the beach. German and his mom play in the water and the sand. Most of all, German adores his mom. He showers her with hugs and kisses, and says, “I love you, mom.” Parents never ask for rewards or recognition, even when they care for disabled children—the hardest responsibility in the world. Children like sweet German, however, turn a daunting responsibility into an unsurpassable blessing.
German is so happy with his new wheelchair! Just look at how happy and comfortable he looks, the smile on his face says it all. A new wheelchair with the necessary components and proper sizing make such a difference!